Kids Choice Awards Tomorrow!
Hey everyone! I can’t wait for the Kids’ Choice Awards tomorrow. I wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to vote for me and for making some awesome youtube videos! I have the best fans in the world and none of this would be possible if it weren’t for you! And as I said before – you guys are so much more important than any award!
Xoxo Miley
Ahojte všetci. Nemusela som čakať dlho na Kids’ Choice Awards. Chcem sa poďakovať každému za to, že si našiel čas za hlasovanie a pre robenie úžasných youtube videí. Mám najlepších fanúšikov vo svete a nič z toho by nebolo možné keby nebolo vás. A ako som hovorila, fanúšikovia sú podstatnejší ako dostať cenu.
Prehľad komentárov
Ciuperca piciorului si a unghiei ce tip de pericol se ascunde in aceasta boala si cum sa scapi de ea. ->
Measuring Blood Stress
(AarepameLaug, 8. 10. 2018 8:51)
Compression est comment calleux votre sang pousse contre les parois de vos arteres lorsque votre coeur determination pompe le sang. Arteres sont les tubes qui transportent prendre offre sang loin de votre coeur. Chaque set votre coeur bat, il pompe le sang a tous egards vos arteres a la vacances de votre corps.
Anti Addiction Medications to Treat Alcohol Dependency
(CharlesSpale, 9. 8. 2018 13:34)
This savеs time, which is vеry gооd. Watсh thе video
High Blood Insist upon associated with older people
(ANorobazyclora, 30. 7. 2018 8:35)
Pression arterielle est comment robuste votre sang pousse contre les parois de vos arteres lorsque votre coeur sentiment pompe le sang. Arteres sont les tubes qui transportent perseverent b gerer offre sang loin de votre coeur. Chaque age votre coeur bat, il pompe le sang tout au long vos arteres a la flanerie de votre corps.
Ciuperca piciorului si a unghiei
(MichaelHaw, 19. 5. 2019 11:05)